These Hilarious Restaurant Signs Will Put Others Out Of Business
Sometimes, a menu is just not enough. Restaurants often have signs on their entrances that don't just tell you its name but provide a pithy message that indicates new updates. Over time though, these signs have become opportunities for restaurants to get in touch with their comedic sides. It has been proven that making passersby laugh with a little joke can lure people into your restaurant who never previously would have thought of coming. These signs can be full of puns that are either witty, funny or just downright silly.

50FT Drink Anyone?
It is well documented that you can get some real bang for your buck at McDonald's. However, when this hungry customer showed up at the golden arches, they couldn't believe what was being offered to them.
Normally, $1 for any size soft drink would sound like a great deal. Look a little closer though, and you'll see that the marketing team put up a 5 by accident, instead of an S. 50ft drink, anyone?