35 of the Most Paused Movie Scenes in Hollywood History

This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.

Scanners (1981)

While it's not the most recognizable film on this list, Scanners has certainly developed a strong fan base since its 1981 release. The movie that kickstarted David Cronenberg's career, Scanners revolves heavily around psychic powers and how devastating those powers can be. The following scene has been paused so much due to the gory nature of it. We won't spoil it for you, but it involves someone's head and it happens so fast that you simply have to rewind and pause to get the full effect of it.

Suicide Squad (2016)

Here is another wild scene in a movie that viewers couldn't help but pause for. In 2016's Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie made her first appearance as the Joker's female sidekick, Harley Quinn. It was a truly memorable performance and the following scene was one that viewers simply could not get enough of. All it shows Quinn lifting up her top. Amazingly, the shot was enough for viewers to hit the pause button. Otherwise, the movie is not so great.

Suicide Squad (2016)

She's the Man (2006)

If you know the works of William Shakespeare, you might have realized that the 2006 comedy She's the Man is actually a modernized version of the play Twelfth Night. In the latter, Viola dresses up as her twin brother Sebastian to pass off as a male. In She's the Man, Amanda Bynes's character does the exact same thing in order to get into a soccer team. However, when she's caught, Viola pulls her top up to confirm that she is, in fact, a young woman. Naturally, many paused.

She's the Man (2006)

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Say what you want about The Wolf of Wall Street, but there is no denying that this Martin Scorsese epic takes some huge risks. During one of the movie's classic scenes, Margot Robbie's character teases Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, so much so that viewers couldn't help but pause at the boiling point of this steamy scene. In the end, Jordan takes the sting out of the moment, telling "Naomi" that his security guards can see what she's doing...

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

While it is not the greatest movie of all time, Fast Times at Ridgemont High is certainly a classic '80s coming-of-age movie. While there are some good performances, it seems like the most memorable scene is a pretty superficial one. It involves Phoebe Cates's character Linda, who is enjoying a swim with her friend Stacy. The most paused moment in that scene comes when Linda finally climbs up the steps and gets out of the pool.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)