35 of the Most Paused Movie Scenes in Hollywood History
This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.
Some of the most jaw-dropping moments in movies can happen so quickly that you simply have to pause to understand exactly what's happening. Whether it's a deliberately short scene of something completely inappropriate or a cool detail that flashed before your very eyes; the TV remote is such a useful tool to pick out every minute movie detail. Blink at the following paused movie scenes and you might miss them!

Scanners (1981)
While it's not the most recognizable film on this list, Scanners has certainly developed a strong fan base since its 1981 release. The movie that kickstarted David Cronenberg's career, Scanners revolves heavily around psychic powers and how devastating those powers can be.

The following scene has been paused so much due to the gory nature of it. We won't spoil it for you, but it involves someone's head and it happens so fast that you simply have to rewind and pause to get the full effect of it.