30+ Former Bullies Share the Real Reasons Why They Bullied
Many bullies never change. They grow up and continue to be bullies in the workplace or at home, never learning the error of their ways. However, some bullies realize at some point that what they’re doing is wrong. From trouble at home to just being a stereotypical jock, these former bullies are opening up and sharing the real reasons why they used to bully — & how they’ve changed since.

Seeing From Their Perspective
It's a common stereotype that kids who are "nerdy" or "geeky" are the ones who will end up getting bullied. They're the kids who would supposedly prefer to stay home playing video games than deal with people.

It's pretty sad that this guy didn't ever stop to think about the effect the things he thought were funny had on other people until his coworkers basically forced him to face it. Better late than never, we guess.